Tuesday 6 September 2011

Missing my Sunday Nordic Walk

No walk for me on Sunday, lots of children’s activities meant that I’ve not been able to join the North Shore Nordic Walkers for a couple of Sundays.  It was a beautiful day though and after dropping my daughter off at Henderson for Auckland’s Trash to Fashion rehearsals, we drove over to the University of Auckland for the open day and it was a great opportunity to take a look around this much esteemed academic establishment.

On our way back we took a drive over to the new development at the Wynyard Quarter which was buzzing with activity, I had to close my eyes as we dodged cars, trams and people – I wasn’t driving and I read in the NZ Herald that there has been a minor incident already with one of the two trams that are now operating around that area, fingers crossed that there won’t be anything more serious than just a minor prang in the future. I was really quite concerned driving around, as many cars charged through at quite a speed and pedestrians wandered aimlessly across the roadway, milling in and out of the cafes and restaurants.
It is a great redevelopment and well worth a look if you intend to visit for the RWC, take a peek at the webcam for a preview of the area. The Wynyard Quarter is a huge area of reclaimed land that faces the Westhaven marina and stretches from the east side of Viaduct Harbour to the Western Wall. It has nine restaurants, a 1.5 km tram track with two heritage trams and an interactive kid’s marine theme playground.
I really missed my Nordic Walk on Sunday; I did however make up for it on Monday. I had to get my brakes repaired so I dropped my car off at the local garage in Torbay. The guy dropped me off at Beach Road but because of the excavation work there I had to walk back to Willis Street to get back into Beach Road then onto the Beach.
I had arranged to meet a lady down at the beach that is recovering from a head injury and has been going to Rope Neuro for some physiotherapy and Nordic Walking tuition. I was really impressed when I saw her walking towards me on the beach; just a few weeks prior when I first met her she had walked with a limp, she had undergone a hip replacement and unfortunately she had suffered with a few dislocations so her gait pattern was really poor and her limp was very noticeable. What really blew me away when I met her this time was that she was already walking with her poles but had no hint of a limp whatsoever and there was definite improvement in her gait!
She’s keen to join our group of Nordic Walkers so I’ll be walking at Long Bay beach with her over the next few weeks to build up her confidence and stamina.
After the walk along the beach I then walked all the way back home, then later in the afternoon I walked all the way back to collect my car. Whilst it’s not an awfully long way to walk, there are plenty of hills however I did take a sneaky shortcut through the bush at the back of the house. Map My Run worked it all out at approximately 10.85 km, so I did get a good workout despite me not being able to walk with the group on Sunday. Of course I did rather miss the coffee and the banter!
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